Semantic wars and the Syrian crisis
Syrians stranded between ruthless regime and indifferent world
Peace for Syria: A scarce commodity
Syria’s Holocaust portrayed as a daily routine
Astana II: In the Russian yard, but by the rules of the opposition
Assad, Apartheid and Israel
Trump-Obama: The dichotomy of bad and worse
FSA men in Astana: Truly Syrian patriots
In Syria, Putin at a crossroads
Russia’s good food, Iran’s poison
Peace for Syria: The untrodden road
Deir ez-Zor trumpeted in Moscow
Obama’s (in)action in Syria: A premeditated crime?
Syria’s double-bladed see-saw
Perpetual liars and Darayya falsehoods
Assad’s "triumph" in Darayya
Omran’s thunderous silence
Out of the Assad regime’s box: Remote control investment
Putin’s Goebbelism: World-made, home-used
Leading from behind Putin
US foreign policy: The facade and the heart of darkness
Syria: From a conflict in to a conflict over
Aleppo is nobody’s Stalingrad
Syrian negotiations; success and failure revisited
What does it take to qualify as a Holocaust victim?