The White Helmets rescue group said that one of its volunteers was killed by the Assad or Russian airstrikes launched on Idlib countryside.
Mohammad Shawa succumbed to his head wounds while he was doing his job in rescuing civilians in Idlib countryside.
شاهد : لحظة استشهد محمد شوا احد متطوعي الدفاع المدني اثناء قيامه بمساعدة المدنيين بعد الغارات الجوية الروسية على إدلب ! محمد لديه ثلاثة اطفال احداهن حديثة الولادة عمرها خمسة ايام
— ابو الهدى الحمصي (@aboalhodaalhoms) May 4, 2019
The White Helmets mourned the death of Mohammad who has three children, one of them was born three days ago.
The rescue group was founded in 2014 and provides aid and rescue to those affected by Assad and Russian bombings in the country.
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