Iranian regime says guided warheads on missiles can reach Israel

Iranian regime says guided warheads on missiles can reach Israel
Iranian regime has equipped its most advanced, longest-range missiles, which can hit Israel and US bases in the Gulf, with new precision guided warheads, the regime's state media reported Sunday.

According to the unsourced report in the Fars news agency, the new home-made guided warheads have now been attached to the Khoramshahr, a missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles.)

“The new generation of missiles with guided warheads has been named Khoramshahr 2 and they can be controlled until hitting the target and are able to carry warheads weighing nearly 2 tons,” the report said.

Iran has been known to exaggerate the capabilities of its weaponry, and there was no independent confirmation of Tehran’s claims.

In December, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran of testing a medium-range ballistic missile capable of “carrying multiple warheads,” which he said could strike “anywhere” in the Middle East and even parts of Europe.

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