There are currently 973,200 Syrian school-aged refugee children in Turkey, according to the most recent data. This figure has been gradually increasing over the years, Hurriyet reported on Monday (August 27).
Of the school-aged Syrian refugees, 610,278 were enrolled in either Turkish public school or temporary education centers. Of this figure, 36,548 were enrolled in pre-school education, 374,304 in primary school education, 137,613 in middle school education and 61,813 in high school education.
Temporary education centers teach an accredited curriculum in Arabic, so in order to integrate Syrian children to the Turkish education system and remove issues related to language, Turkish language lecturers are employed as part of the project “Promoting Integration of Syrian Children to Turkish Education System” (PICTES).
In this respect, 318 of temporary education centers in 21 provinces offered intensive Turkish classes to a total of 222,429 Syrians during the 2017-2018 school period.
The Turkish government aims to close these temporary education centers gradually and transfer the students to public schools to foster an integration between Syrian and Turkish children.
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