Syrian detainees in Homs Central Prison warn against Assad break-in

Syrian detainees in Homs Central Prison warn against Assad break-in
Syrian detainees in Assad Homs Central Prison sent on Monday letters of distress to their fellow Syrians in Homs northern countryside,  Syria and the Islamic World, calling on them to immediately intervene to stop what they called the "massacre" that could be committed against them after the Assad regime threatened to break in the prison to finish off detainees.

Assad Brigadier General Bilal Suleiman al-Saleh, director of Homs Central Prison, sent large numbers of Assad terrorists who climbed the prison building where at least 500 political detainees are incarcerated  without water or electricity, Orient Net learnt from special sources. 

Osama Abu Zeid, the head of Homs Media Centre,  verified  the date and WhatsApp coice messages that came out of the prison on Monday. 

The messages purported calls and pleas made by the detainees to their relatives not to bargain for their blood and work to release them from the prison in all possible means.

Jalal Talawi, a Syrian activist, said detainees spent years now inside Homs Central Prison. They  demand giving access to a UN delegation or any human rights committee to see their dire conditions. 

Talawi said that the detainees would not allow Assad terrorists  break in the prison. "They call on Assad terrorists to stop threats and provocations," he said. 

It is worthy to remind that detainees in Homs Central Prison protested several times against what they called "the administrative detention” without trials or charges.

In Eid al-Fitr, detainees broadcast their demonstration live on social media, demanding their release like their fellow Syrian detainees were released in Adra and Hama Central Prison.

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