UN chief calls to disarm Hezbollah, end its involvement in Syria

UN chief calls to disarm Hezbollah, end its involvement in Syria
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres demanded on Thursday (March 16) the need to disarm the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah militia, condemning the terrorist group’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, Anadolu Agency reported.

Guterres’s demands come in his first report to the UN Security Council, which calls for the adoption of Resolution 1701 – which calls for the end of military operations between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah that broke out summer of 2006.

In the report, he condemned Hezbollah’s crossing over into Syria with its weapons to fight alongside Assad regime, explaining that it is "a breach of UN Security Council Resolution 1701."

Guterres urged Hezbollah terrorists and all the Lebanese parties to cease any involvement in the Syrian conflict. "It is vital for the stability and security of Lebanon that the country remains committed to a policy of self-distancing," according to Anadolu Agency.

In addition, the UN Secretary-General urged Lebanese leaders to resume national dialogue in order to guide the formulation of a national defense strategy to address the issue of retaining arms outside state control and the disarming of Hezbollah and the non-Lebanese groups.

Guterres warned in his report that the continuation of Hezbollah to retain their weapons undermines the authority of the Lebanese state and contradicts with the country’s obligations under UN Security Council Resolutions 1559 and 1701 of 2004 and 2006 respectively.

A week earlier, the Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Ra’i argued that Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian conflict has divided and embarrassed the Lebanese between those supporting the terrorist group and others opposing it.

“Hezbollah has engaged in the war in Syria without taking into consideration the State’s dissociation policy. It has divided the Lebanese upon themselves, some supporting its step and others totally refusing it,” said al-Ra’i in an interview on Sky News Arabia on Friday (March 11).

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