Assad vacuum missiles kill 4 civilians in Homs’ al-Waer

Assad vacuum missiles kill 4 civilians in Homs’ al-Waer
Russian warplanes and Assad terrorists ‎escalated on Saturday their attacks on the ‎besieged neighborhood of al-Waer in Homs. The indiscriminate attacks left many ‎civilians either killed or injured.  ‎

‎6 Assad vacuum missiles hit today al-Waer. ‎More than 4 civilians were killed, and at least 10 ‎were seriously injured, including women and ‎children, Orient office in al-Waer said.‎

Assad terrorists besiege al-Waer. No access is ‎given to medical equipment or any kind of aid ‎supplies.‎

It is worthy to remind that Assad terrorists robbed on Monday (21 ‎February) a UN aid convoy while ‎the UN and ‎the Red Cross workers were returning to ‎their ‎warehouses after ‎Assad terrorists shelled ‎al-Waer mortar bombs.‎ ‎

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