Tens of thousands march across Mexico in anti-Trump protests

Tens of thousands march across Mexico in anti-Trump protests
Tens of thousands of protesters marched in 20 cities across Mexico demanding US President Donald Trump to show respect for their country and its migrants.

Demonstrators carried Mexican flags and dressed in white as a sign of unity and to signal the non-political nature of the march. 

The march aimed at Trump’s plans for a border wall and increased deportations of migrants. It featured many signs supporting Mexican migrants living in the United States. 

At the end of the march, protesters in the various cities coordinated the simultaneous singing of the national anthem in a show of unity and strength.

Mexicans have called for unity in facing the challenge posed by Trump’s policies, but the march featured almost as many banners criticizing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto as the new US leader.

Relations between the US and Mexico witnessed tension after Trump took office and shortly that signed two executive orders to kick start the construction of a wall along the US-Mexico border, insisting that Mexico would pay for the project.

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