Dr. Agha also said that the statement was inappropriate because De Mistura went in his statement beyond the confines of the task with which the UN entrusted him.
Dr. Agha called upon the UN envoy to commit to his mission and prepare well for the imminent Geneva conference to avoid the previous failed experiments.
In his exclusive speech to Orient Net , Dr. Agha has called upon De Mistura to give a precise classification of the "opposition figures" he named, reminding that there are a number of Assad and Russian protégés among those opposition figures. These, according to Dr, Agha, defend the Assad regime’s staying in power.
“Does Mr.de Mistura want the Assad regime’s protégés to represent the real opposition in negotiating the Assad regime while these protégés oppose the Assad regime in nothing?” Dr. Agha has asked.
A few days ago, Staffan de Mistura said the UN would choose the opposition’s representatives if they could agree on their delegation in order to make sure that it could be as inclusive as possible.
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