Lavrov said Monday that the plan would require close cooperation with the UN and approval from head the Assad regime.
Lavrov, speaking at a joint news conference with his Eritrean counterpart Osman Saleh, said that US President Donald Trump’s decision to create safe zones in Syria was aimed at easing the refugee crisis in Europe, particularly in neighboring countries.
He added that the proposal would require negotiations with Assad regime to agree on the principles of creating such safe zones on the Syrian territories.
Oh his part, the Assad Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem warned Monday that the ‘safe zones’ plan favored by US President Donald Trump is violation of what he called “sovereignty,” unless it is organized in coordination with the Assad regime.
On Thursday, the US President Donald Trump said he would “absolutely do safe zones in Syria for the people”. He did not elaborate, but did say that the EU has been profoundly wrong to allow “these millions of people to go into Germany and various other countries”.
Responding to Trump’s statement, the Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the White House did not consult the Russian authorities clearly on the initiative. He added that it was “important to make sure that this does not further aggravate the situation.
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