First, Hijab issued a road map for a transition to a democratic state without Assad, even though Russia has repeatedly rejected the idea of the removal of Assad, an idea which the US and Europe have gradually become in accordance with, the writer argues.
Second, Hijab agreed to merge Assad’s “forces” with the Free Syrian Army, even though he knows that all of the factions of Assad’s “army” were involved in the targeting, killing, destruction and siege of the FSA and the Syrian civilians, the writer explains.
Third, Hijab discussed dismantling Assad’s security services and restructuring them. However, it is very obvious that Hijab ignored the fact that this repressive security apparatus belongs to the regime and its “army,” the writer argues, wondering “who will ensure the demise of this highly repressive apparatus which has always been in direct contact and cooperation with the world’s major intelligence agencies?”
Fourth, Hijab proposed constructing a joint government between the regime and the opposition, and this is surprisingly possible because there are many opposition members who would accept corruption, but what is impossible is for the joint government to actually have full executive powers as Assad remains in his post and Russia, Iran and the US hold the guardianship in Syria.
The writer then states that any moderate and humble person opposing the Assad regime, if asked, would demand from Hijab not to offer Assad and his friends more time.
The writer urges Hijab not to propose impossibilities which will consume the debate and provide Assad with the time he needs to tip the situation on ground to his favor, destroy everything and everyone left in Syria and impose a new reality that pressurizes the opposition to surrender.
“We want a specific and short time-frame to be demanded in front of those who claim are friends of Syria”, the writer demands.
“An open time-frame is a murderous enemy to the revolution.”
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