Russia and Assad regime to Mo’addamyya: Starve or kneel

Russia and Assad regime to Mo’addamyya: Starve or kneel
Assad regime is still devouring besieged areas around Damascus. This seizure sometimes comes through military operation, and it also comes through a series of truces and ceasefires imposed by the regime’s terrorists on residents and opposition fighters of the areas.

In using these brutal techniques of destruction and starvation, Mo’addamyya al-Sham in Damascus western countryside seems to be Assad regime’s next target after what happened in its neighbour, Darayya, whose residents were forced to leave to Idlib a few days ago.

Assad regime is trying to repeat the Scenario of Darayya in al-Mo’addamyya. Some stories released from inside the city spoke about a meeting held between civilian bodies and the leadership of Assad regime’s Fourth Division to reach to a final settlement of the besieged town.

Assad regime’s main demand was to hand over weapons to establish its control on the area. If any of the residents opposes this demand, they has to leave towards the northern city of Idlib.

These negotiations were shrouded with secrecy, but observers do not think that are different from those in Madaya and Blodan in Damascus western countryside.The steps aim at creating a security or a buffer zone for the regime in Damascus. 

What happens in al-Mo’addamyya is happening in Homs’ al-Waer. The neighborhood has entered in a 48-hour truce after the unprecedented escalation of Assad terrorists on residential areas where phosphorus and napalm bombs were obviously seen.

Al-Waer, according to special sources is witnessing Darayya-like negotiations. Assad regime has told the notables that opposition fighters have to leave before handing it over.

All this is taking place, while the UN is watching without even a call for a humanitarian truce to deliver aid supplies. The UN’s call is only for a safe corridor to displace residents. It seems this is step is only to legitimatize and bless what Russia and Assad regime are committing.  

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