Will Hmeymim airbase be the ‘transitional administration” headquarter?

Will Hmeymim airbase be the ‘transitional administration” headquarter?
Imad Bouzo in his article in Orient Net explains Russia’s attempts to keep Assad in power as long as possible. For this aim, a suggestion was proposed to appoint many vices to Assad so that they presidency powers are moved to them gradually. The Russians intentionally, however, kept the duration of this process and its timing obscure. Russia also suggested a transitional body or a military council as possible ways out to the crisis in Syria.

Bouzi argues that all these scenarios were difficult to implement as it was hard to find brave figures to come to Damascus to carry them out with Assad junta in power regardless of the guarantees offered.

Who could be those figures who would carry out the solution according to the Russian scenario? the writer wonders. In the beginning there was the so-called Hmeymim opposition who view the Syrian revolution the way the Assad regime looks at it and there was a similar one called Moscow opposition.

To justify the Russian way, these “oppositions” that the crisis should not depend on one person so there is no need to discuss Assad’s fate. The write argues that with this suggestion, they ignored that the Syrian revolution broke out to oust Assad and his family.

Those people believe that Russia is a super power and Syrians cannot resist its plans and they insisted on following Russia’s way of describing anyone against Assad as a terrorist.

The writer believes that the Russian way has no chances to succeed. Terms such as ‘civil war’ or ‘international war’ to describe the situation in Syria are different from the truth which is a revolution against a dictatorship regime.

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