Iran and the West continue to wear masks and show animosity toward each other with different goals. But at the end, both achieve the desired results. From time to time, as we all have witnessed their positions moved back and forth between the war on terrorism against ISIS and fighters opposing Assad.
But this part of their conspiracy failed and failed miserably. Putin entered their slaughter house, indiscriminately bombed, killed and destroyed everything but never touched ISIS. He ripped the masks of the West and Iran and stashed them in a canister under tight bolts and nuts. The Russian gangster is known for stabbing enemies and friends.
Putin backed the real terrorist groups like Hezbollah and other proxy militias Iran had imported from many countries and exported to Syria well before the war started.
The crystal ball seemed to have emptied all its secrets in the palms of Putin. He didn’t wait a second; he showed the world: The new Caesar, Iran, and the West kill Syrians from the same trench, but he is the Boss.
Iran and the West with the help of Putin are desperate to finish the war in Syria as the U.S. ended its occupation of Iraq, but not without ensuring that sectarian wars continue until the Sunni demographic chart dips to below the 15% mark. Distribution of collateral assets of the war will be different this time: Russia will get all Syria; Iran and militias will serve the cake and the coffee. Putin’s philosophy is: Losers will end up winners, and the winners will end up sharing the win with the losers. He calls the shots.
Putin has done his best to rig the scale of justice against the Syrian people by announcing new rules for his war games or running to Obama for help. Other than killing civilians and tumbling buildings and homes, his goals have but all failed.
If the revolution in Syria wins, Iran’s dream to fragment the Arab world to appease its historical vengeance won’t reoccur again in several centuries; or the Mullahs have to admit they can’t win a war against Arabs; never did; never will.
If the revolution loses (a remote possibility, odds one in a million or a fraction of 1% could happen), the West and Putin, Iran included, won’t enjoy the victory any more than the U.S. did in Iraq. Syrian fighters will become the dark shadow that moves storms of fire non-stop until Syria sterilized of occupiers.
Israel is even in a worse predicament. The Syria of more than two hundred years front and back door of Crusaders and Zionist terrorists will forever banish. Syria, the pillars of Arab pride, will emerge strongly in faith, united with its people like the skin on flesh, adored in her mountains and valleys, in her landscapes and rivers. Syria once more will become the pilgrimage of thoughts and knowledge, poetry, music, and art.
The upside of my theory, something I also wish to roll my weight and belief over, is as follows:
If the Syrian revolution advances to absolute victory, that will end the Iran/Iraq/Hezbollah alliance for good and cause in Iran and Iraq imminent revolutions.
The next mighty twister no human force can shake or turn worth the pause: Will the West assist the Syrian revolution to remove Bashar’s regime and all gangsters and send them to exile or Hell? Or, will it allow the revolution to win a modest victory just to discourage more revolutions in the Middle East.
Heavyweights in Europe are starting to realize fire in the Middle East will eventually reach their countries before it reaches Russia or the U.S. Are we going to see a new addition to the Islamic coalition spearheaded by Saudi Arabia and Turkey? My strong hunch tells me Europe’s heavyweights are not only thinking about the move but planning it. Does this mean Russia and the U.S. will back off? With half the world tearing Syria and its people apart, it is difficult for any political analyst or a journalist to predict how this horrific misery is going to end.
The more likely conclusion awaits Syria is no longer in the hands of people but in the hands of the CREATOR whose patience now has but entirely evaporated. Arab and Muslim leaders have failed the Syrian people. Iran and Russia brought troops, advanced weapons and filled the Syrian skies with bomber jets. They brought militias; robots have more human compassion than them. Did we not all witness the horrendous crimes against humanity committed in Syria against helpless civilians of all ages that surpassed Hitler, George W. Bush and Netanyahu’s holocausts and atrocities by many folds?
My seventh sense tells me that the Syrian revolution is coming to a home run before the end of December 31, 2016.
Deception and Conspiracy indeed have failed Iran and the West’s dreams. Arab and Muslim populations now see black and white in the dark.
My seventh sense tells me also that Lebanon will not go into civil war while Hezbollah’s wings crushed beyond repair.
Iraq will progress into a quiet revolution with far fewer losses in human lives than Syria.
The next revolution is now a mild storm calmly sweeping Iran. Wild it shall become until all Mullahs are tamed like puppies so Iranian people can recover the dignity and honor robbed from them at gun point.
Russia is already isolated, ignored by the West, hated by Arabs and Muslims, deserted by friends and allies, and slowly pushed to a dark corner, darker than the Black Sea in its vicinity.
I have watched and followed Syria’s events unfold from the beginning. The U.S. bears the bigger blame for the half million Syrians dead, 80% destruction of the country and half the people expelled from their homes. The events also have created huge mirrors of reflectors on both sides which exposed the Arab and Muslim leaders who failed Syria.
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