“Guevara Nabi” is a young Syrian, who managed, accompanying two families of 15 members, to cross the Macedonian border after a bunch of failed attempts, tells Orient News his story. They went through many hardships until they reached a distant location in the Macedonian territories. The Macedonian Red Cross, however, sets them up to have them arrested by the police.
“A few days ago, my family and I tried to cross the Macedonian border on foot using a GPS software, without the help of a smuggler.” Guevara told Orient News correspondent. He goes on, “We walked for 4 days through woods and valleys crossing many mountains and plains.” “We tried to conserve in using the water and food that we had. We walked for lengthy hours, day and night.”
Guevara adds, “We reached the railroad and the high way, where risks and security measures are less. On the way, Om Mohamad, a mother from the family, injured her ankle and was in severe pain. We could not continue walking due to this incident. I did not want to leave them alone, so we all hid in the woods near the railroad.”
“We tried finding a doctor to treat her, so we contacted the Macedonian Red Cross, who said that they were ready to treat her,” Guevara told Orient News correspondent.
“We stressed the importance of them coming to us clandestinely so that the police would not know about us, and our efforts for days would not go in vain. They assured us not to worry about this, so we sent them our location using GPS.”
Macedonian Red Cross, however, sent the location of the two families to the police, which arrested all of them and took them back to Macedonian borders, where their tents are, according to Guevara.
Guevara points out that Macedonian police ill-treated the families when arresting them. “They made us carry the injured woman down the woods although they had a car. They also assaulted the woman’s son, who cursed the Red Cross for sending the location to the police.”
Thousands of refugees, mostly Syrians, have been suffering tough living circumstances in Idomeni on the Macedonian border. They are waiting for the Balkan States borders to be opened in order to cross to Western Europe.
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