When stuck, love will find a way

When stuck, love will find a way
Even in the midst of hardship, love will find a way.

And those who are lucky enough to find a life partner in the midst of their struggles know that sharing the tough times with someone you love makes all things easier to bear.

Such was the case for a couple of Syrian refugees currently living on hold in the Idomeni refugee camp near the border of Greece and Macedonia.

Alison Thompson, an American volunteer in the camp said: 

“It was a solar puff wedding - Love has no boundaries -tonight we helped celebrate a wedding of two Syrian refugees in the rain and mud of Idomeni refugee camp” 

Volunteers also helped to find a dress, cake and flowers to add some traditional warmth to the miserable conditions of the camp in which they were wed.

The solar puff lights, which lit up the dark night and provided a romantic ambiance, have been brought from America by Thompson to be distributed to the refugees in Greece.

Thompson also said that “nothing could stop the wonderful celebration of life -- not Isis nor the torture and death it had bestowed upon this large family -- love wins over evil and ISIS in the end!”

Aid workers who made the arrangements for the ceremony even decorated the couple’s tent and placed some of the flowers on their bed.

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