Emptying the Syrian treasury

Emptying the Syrian treasury
Al-Watan, a pro Assad newspaper, writes that the commercial bank of Syria managed to get billions of pounds from poor citizens while the influential find a way to escape paying.

It is an Assad paper that is saying this! Although this is not something new as it extends to the time since Assad the father ascended “the throne” in Syria.

Since that time, the majority of Syrian citizens have been marginalized, ignored and left only to bear the burden of all troubles, while those who are close to Assad circle have lived a luxurious life and are not subject to any kind of accountability.

No wonder Syrians started their uprising because enough is enough and Syrians can no longer tolerate such a humiliating life the Assads, father and son, imposed on them. The middle class has disappeared altogether and changed into civilians living in abject poverty, thanks to Assad’s ‘wisdom’.

The paper explains that it is easy to collect money and tax from Syrians who are not powerful; i.e. those who do not have connection with Assad and his wider circle, but when it comes to ‘top’ merchants the matter is complicated; for a pro-Assad paper to say this is an achievement in itself. Before the revolution started, no one could say a word against the ‘sacred’ top class people who are either Assad’s junta or those close to them.

With the uprising, what was implicit turned explicit and shown to the whole world. The one who is ha hrefing barrel bombs on civilians will not worry about words. The regime now has nothing to hide as its suppression became public and its brutality is widespread.

This is part of the cheap propaganda that says somebody out there can speak freely and criticise. Something, though unusual, can be productively marketed.

Corruption in Syria is centred in Assad and his coterie; their rule is based on suppression and despotism. Woe to those Syrians who dare challenge the will of the dictator; they will be either killed, arrested or simply vanish.

Such a concept must have been triggered by similar money whales who got loans from the Syrian treasury without paying them back and they feel that their colleagues who contributed to emptying the Syrian central bank are the ones who should pay back their loans.

Both do not know that the head of the gang has already emptied the fisc when he paid Putin for protecting him the last 7 billion dollars left of the Syrian cash reserve.

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