German defense minister: ready to train Syrian refugees to help rebuild Syria

German defense minister: ready to train Syrian refugees to help rebuild Syria
German’s Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who spoke alongside her French counterpart, proposed that her country’s military can train Syrian refugees to help them rebuild their country when the conflict ends, AFP reported.

Ursula von der Leyen said at a security conference in Munich that pictures of the destruction in Syria make it clear that the country will need people with "very varied capabilities" to rebuild it. She noted Friday that the military offers training to craftspeople, technicians, logisticians and others.

Von der Leyen said that if the peace process is ultimately successful Germany could one day help train Syrian security forces.

She also pointed out that “the cessation order should also be implemented in the neighborhoods of Aleppo, we should not have to wait weeks if we truly want peace for Syria,” Anadolu Agency reported.

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