Assad terrorists drop warning leaflets on Homs’ countryside

Assad terrorists drop warning leaflets on Homs’ countryside
Russian jets intensified the assault on opposition-held areas in Homs northern countryside while Assad helicopters were dropping thousands of leaflets over the areas to spread fear and terror in the hearts of civilians as a part of Assad’s psychological warfare against Syrians, Orient Net knew.

These leaflets addressed and threatened Syrian civilians with death if they don’t surrender  and come to Assad in humiliation and full submission, locals said.

Other leaflets sent much intimidation by Assad  terrorists: “40 types of ammunition are waiting for you, these weapons are capable of destroying targets and hitting the nail on the head.”

In another development, Orient correspondent reported that one woman was killed and tens of civilians were injured today when Russian jets targeted residential buildings with interstitial missiles in Talbisah in Homs northern countryside.

Syrians say that these messages of intimidation in which Assad terrorists address civilians are but a stain on Assad and a crippling blow to his declining and hateful influence especially after Russian intervention Sep. 30, 2015.

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