Opposition fighters capture Assad strongholds in Darayya

Opposition fighters capture Assad strongholds in Darayya
Opposition fighters captured many blocks of buildings today in the western area between Darayya and al-Mouaddamiya cities which left several Assad terrorists killed and injured, Syria Live Network (S.L.N.) reported.

Opposition fighters took control of many locations in a surprise attack in western Darayya city. Opposition fighters’ attack came as a step to lift the siege on Darayya and al-Mouaddamiya after Assad terrorists took control over the buffer zone between the 2 cities, S.L.N. reported.

Activists pointed out that opposition fighters killed 14 Assad terrorists including Shiite militias and destroyed a military vehicle where intense ongoing clashes were coinciding with heavy shelling by Russian jets on Darayya.

Darayya media center said that Assad regime was trying to take control over the area through heavy bombardment which Orient Net earlier published as only yesterday more than 50 barrel bombs dropped on Darayya.

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