Planet Syria wants to know, is there anybody out there?

Planet Syria wants to know, is there anybody out there?
As those who are expected to participate in another round of what seem to be endless international discussions about a political solution for the conflict in Syria argue about whether or not they should attend, people inside Syria are standing in solidarity with their fellow Syrians who are being subjected to deliberate starvation as a tactic of war.

Across Planet Syria, people are demonstrating as part of a week of action in support of one million Syrians under siege.

It is their hope that someone will listen to their messages and finally move on behalf of millions of Syrians who feel that they are not being heard.

This past week the women of Kafranbel marched in solidarity with those who are trapped in areas of Syria currently under siege. 

This was the message on one of their signs: "The emperor Nero died and Rome didn’t die...Planet Syria is fighting with everything it has. When the seeds of a hyacinth dry out, they fill the valley with hyacinths."

An important message from Planet Syria in the town of Atareb said:  "Sieges are a war crime and not a negotiating tactic.”

Another message from a woman on Planet Syria in Hama said: "Moadamiyeh al-Sham... a slow death. Save what remains."

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