Medvedev’s World War III

Medvedev’s World War III
Mr. Gap-Filler, the Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, warned of ’new world war’ starting in Syria in case any ground forces are sent.

Medvedev, expressing his sorrows that peace talks had stopped, added that if any forces are sent to Syria, they will paralyze the Syrian peace talks.

In the interview with Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper, Medvedev added that political disputes should not be taken as an excuse to interfere with other countries internal affairs and to burn and destroy the country.

His deputy said that the presence of any ground forces in Syria is strictly prohibited.

Russia is talking about world war because of foreign intervention!

One would wonder what Russia is doing in Syria!

Russia felt sorry because the Geneva talks were suspended ignoring the fact that talks stopped because of the non-stop Russian bombardment of Syrian civilians.

Russia says ground forces are not allowed in Syria ignoring Hezbollah militias and the Iranian Guards, together with their mercenaries, who are killing Syrians and backing the dictator to further kill innocent people.

Russia says that political disputes in Syria are not to be taken as a pretext to interfere in other countries internal affairs. Again, why did Russia interfere in Syria’s affairs?

Mr. Gap-Filler, Medvedev, is worried that Syria will be burnt and destroyed if foreign forces are sent! What can other forces do compared with what Russia has done?

Russia has bombarded Syrians everywhere and destroyed Syria altogether.

One would wonder what is left to be burnt and destroyed.

What Assad could not destroy was completed by the Russian forces.

Now, with somebody clinging himself to a “president’s” bloody chair with tens of thousands fleeing to the four directions of the globe, with Putin’s brutal scorched land policy, with over a million Syrians dead and wounded, with half of a country demolished, with the heavy air traffic in Syria’s skies, with a regime that used prohibited weapons against its own people, Syrians have been totally immersed in World War V or VI not III.

Let the Gap-Filler, Medvedev, go into his World War III and hopefully fourth. And let him and all those doing this to Syria and Syrians taste what Syrians have gone through for five years.  

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